Africký student nám napsal a my jemu... 2005
Tak tohle je náš přítel - student z Afriky
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Erick Osata Odhiambo nám v lednu napsal...
Dear Sponsor
How are you in your Country with your family? We are fine and still praying to you, are you doing the same? I take this chance to thank our heavenly master who has given me this opportunity to write to you this letter. I thank you for the blanket, sheet, books and supper net.
We have done our finall examinations to promote me to the next class which is standard seven, we are approching to class Closs The School.
I hope that I will have good luck and wishes to obtain a good results.
I do pray for you to have a longer life, so that I continue with my studies in Kenya through your sponsorship. Before I take off my pen I would like to quate some verses from the Bible, that is rev psalms 29-I:II The voice of the Lord in the storm. psalms 6-I:I0 and proverbs 5-I:25 warning against unchastity.
I wish you a happy life with family and a happy Ex-mas in your Country.
I wish to remain
Yours faithfully
Erick Osata Odhiambo
Naši žáci mu odpověděli...
Dear Erick,
We are writing you from the Czech Republic (we live in a capital city - Prague). It´s winter now, outside is cold and sometimes snows.
Our country is called "the heart of Europe", because it lays in the middle of this continent. Our president is Václav Klaus and we are democratic republic.
Almost one month ago was Christmas. Dou you celebrate it in your country? What are your customs? Here in Czech Republic we find presents under the Christmas tree on 24th December. We eat carp (it´s freshwater fish) with potatoes salad and little sweets.
Now something about our school: we attend grammar school, 8 th grade. We study many interesting subjects for example English, German, Math, History, etc. (that´s cool:) )
What are you interested in? What subjects would you like to have in school? Have you got any brothers or sisters and some favorite book? How is your common program?
We hope that you will pass your final exams. We keep our fingers crossed for you.
Bára, Markéta, Adéla, Lukáš, Martin, Dave, Adam, Vašek, Gabča, Maruš, Terka, Andrea, Nina (8.A)